Future With AI

Is the future of mankind safe with Artificial Intelligence? The answer to the question, however lies in the future. Giving machines the ability to imagine have been a favourite theme for science fiction authors. The quest to make intelligent machines which tremendously improved our conditions of life was a very inspiring one. But, like anything it too has both advantages and disadvantages. AI's potential had attracted many to invest on it. But, we should consider it's dark sides too. What if the machine decided to wreak havoc in the fragile human society and overthrow the corrupt governments? Hopefully that will not be what the future will have in store for us.
Artificial intelligence, by definition is The intelligence displayed by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans.
The algorithms used by machines are already changing our lives. With smart homes and unmanned factories springing up nearly everywhere, the revolutionary era of Artificial Intelligence is painfully obvious. The neck-breaking pace of the development of AI is almost impossible to keep up.
Robots are populating the face of earth. It's use extends from managing simple tasks like managing a computer to defence.
 AI may be the key for unlocking a completely peaceful world. It also can be the key for complete destruction of the human civilisation.
Of course, machines will obey whatever it's creator asks them to. The real trouble, however lies in the the method they choose to attain their creator's vision. Systems that display Artificial Intelligence may seem polite. But still they have no emotions or soul.
Would robots be able to solve humane troubles. What we promptly lack, we may find in some machines, Humanity. Hopefully, AI will revolutionise all areas of human life, from medicine to defence. 



  1. Its cool but still has room for improvement

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Thank you for your comment, I will try to keep up.


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